COUD program Water Professions component

“Quebec | Labor Market Partners Commission”


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Maximum Eligible Amount

Government Grant

Fund Type

Water professions component

The short-term training program (COUD) favoring internships in the professions prioritized by the CPMT includes the Water Professions component. It supports companies in need of skilled labor in the field of water trades. In addition, it aims to train professionals in the water professions by

  • dissemination of an existing vocational or technical training program;
  • adapting an existing vocational or technical training program to business needs.

Part of the training must be done through internships in the workplace. The involvement of companies in the training of their personnel is therefore necessary.

The COUD program covers 100% of the costs associated with the development or adaptation of the training by the educational institution.

Training projects for professions that are not related to the field of water trades are not eligible for this section. These projects must be submitted in the  general requalification and skills enhancement component , the engineering and information technology component or the  educational childcare services component, depending on the profession concerned .

Financial assistance can reach 100% of eligible expenses. Eligible expenses are additional to the expenses covered by the MEQ or the MES. Contact your project's partner educational institution to find out about the expenses covered by the MEQ or the MES. Eligible expenses are varied. A counselor will help you determine them.

Examples of eligible expenses

Here are some examples of eligible expenses.
It could be salary

  • personnel in training, up to $15 per hour and up to $15,000;
  • teachers;
  • a person assigned to support the success of people taking the training;
  • the person assigned to the integration and maintenance of a new employee, up to $65 per hour.

Certain professional fees are eligible expenses:

  • those of consultants, up to $150 per hour;
  • those of trainers, up to $150 per hour;
  • those of an attendant.

Other costs are also eligible. These may be related costs

  • the adaptation of educational material according to the nature of the handicap;
  • the development or adaptation of pedagogical and didactic material;
  • the purchase of pedagogical and didactic materials;
  • registration for equivalency exams;
  • to promote the project
  • management and administration activities assumed by the delegated organization or collective promoter, up to 10% of eligible expenses.

Indirect costs for trainers and trainees, such as travel and meal expenses, are eligible based on the  Treasury Board directive .

Supervisor and Internship Supervisor

Eligible expenses related to the training of persons supervising the internship are reimbursed at 50%. They include the cost of the training as well as the salary of the trainee, up to $25 per hour.

Under this component, an independent supervisor, that is, one not working for one of the participating companies, could be hired and trained. This person can make sure to supervise the participants when no one within the company has the information technology skills to do so. This person's salary reimbursement will then be eligible.

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