Cooperation with the Community Sector — Development of Official Language Communities

“Canadian Heritage”


The funder does not disclose this information

Maximum Eligible Amount

Government Grant

Fund Type

Cooperation with the Community Sector supports engagement by community organizations and strengthens their ability to act while encouraging innovation and excellence.


Application deadlines

Program funding:

October 15

When an application deadline falls on a Saturday, Sunday or statutory holiday, it is extended to the following working day.

Project funding:

National organizations

November 5

When an application deadline falls on a Saturday, Sunday or statutory holiday, it is extended to the following working day.

All regions

Alberta; British Columbia; Manitoba; Northwest Territories; Nunavut; Quebec; Saskatchewan; Yukon
November 15

New Brunswick; Newfoundland and Labrador; Nova Scotia; Ontario; Prince Edward Island
December 6

Dedicated Fund for the English-Speaking Communities of Quebec
November 15

  • Project funding is available for one-time activities that do not require ongoing funding. Priority is given to projects that address current issues, are innovative and help develop areas that are unique or unexplored.
  • Program funding is available to carry out ongoing activities supporting community development and can cover organizations' operating costs. Priority is given to programming activities that have a lasting effect and strengthen relations between community stakeholders.

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