Continuing Care Safety Training Fund 2021-2022

“Nova Scotia. Health Care Human Resource Sector Council”


The funder does not disclose this information

Maximum Eligible Amount

Government Grant

Fund Type

The Department of Health and Wellness (DHW) is providing funding to assist Continuing Care Providers in attending workplace safety related training and education opportunities in 21/22 to support the safe delivery of care in continuing care environments. This funding addresses recommendations within Charting the Course, Workplace Safety Action Plan.

The purpose of the funding is to support organizations to enable staff to attend training and education opportunities by providing expenses and backfill costs to: attend training that will support safe workplace practices not already funded by DHW through NVCI, SHM/PACE, TWM; increase innovation in safe workplace practices; other training/education that will benefit your organization and that is not typically funded through Department of Health and Wellness) e.g. challenging behaviours, mental health/resiliency training.

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