Continuing Care Capital Program
The funder does not disclose this information
Maximum Eligible Amount
Government Grant
Fund Type
It is estimated the number of seniors in Alberta will double, from over half a million today, to over 1.1 million by 2040. The anticipated demand for continuing care services will grow by 62% by the year 2030.
A new continuing care capital program is being launched to increase the number of continuing care spaces in Alberta. The program is comprised of 3 grant-funding streams to:
- develop continuing care capacity with Indigenous groups and organizations
- increase continuing care capacity in identified priority communities
- modernize existing facilities
For Indigenous peoples, wherever they live, this new program will support the development of continuing care spaces, either on- or off-reserves, and on- or off-Metis settlements, to provide better access to health services.
Program grant funding will also be available to support the development of additional continuing care capacity in priority communities across the province as identified by Alberta Health Services.
In addition, a capital grant process will be available to replace, upgrade, or renovate existing aged facilities to align with modern standards.
The Alberta government has committed up to $154 million for the continuing care capital program. Project proposals received from eligible applicants in all 3 funding streams will be assessed on a competitive basis for this one-time grant funding.
Starting August 19, Indigenous groups and organizations in Alberta are invited to apply for the Continuing Care Capital Grant Program. The deadline for submissions is December 17, 2021.