Conservation and Climate Fund



Maximum Eligible Amount

Government Grant

Fund Type

The Conservation and Climate Fund provides support to projects occurring in Manitoba that incorporate actions to address and adapt to climate change and protect the environment in alignment with the priorities and implementation of the Climate and Green Plan. 

Projects will deliver on one or more of the following:

  • Reduce greenhouse gas emissions;
  • Address the effects of climate change, including measures to adapt to climate change;
  • Promote sustainable development while ensuring natural resources are managed in a manner that ensures availability for future generations

The Fund is a project funder and it is not the intent to provide on-going operating or maintenance support to an organization.

As an initiative of the Manitoba Climate and Green Plan, the Fund supports a green and climate resilient province.

Eligible projects must demonstrate fulfillment of incorporating climate change and adaptation considerations into project activities, goals and outcomes through:

  • Fit within one or more of the three Categories of the Fund:
    Climate and Green Technology, Water and Nature and Resilient Landscape
  • Fit within one or more of the Sub-Categories of the Fund with a minimal of one Sub-Category for each declared Category.

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