Community Schools Program

“Education and Early Childhood Learning”


The funder does not disclose this information

Maximum Eligible Amount

Government Grant

Fund Type

The Community Schools Program supports the capacity of schools as hubs within communities to strategically gather and deploy school-community services and resources in ways that attain better outcomes for students, families and surrounding neighbourhoods.

Community School Philosophy

Community Schools are an integral part of the community. As places of integrated education, public health, social policies and programs, schools can promote student and family well-being in ways that advance core educational goals:

  • Student-School Readiness
  • Attendance
  • Family, community and student engagement
  • Well-being and success

A significant portion of each school’s funding supports a designated staff person, such as a community liaison, community support worker or community connector, who works with the school principal to develop partnerships and mobilize resources that align with the needs of students and families, and support the school’s core instructional program.

Community schools help address the effects of poverty, and help families, organizations and schools work together to strengthen the family unit. Schools taking part in the program offer a number of resources and services including:

  • early childhood literacy programming;
  • parenting information and programs;
  • before-school, evening, weekend and summer programs;
  • breakfast and lunch programs;
  • mentoring and youth development programs; and
  • other services such as First Aid/CPR training, cultural awareness activities and crime prevention.

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