Community Economic Development and Diversification. Incorporated businesses
“FedDev Ontario”
Maximum Eligible Amount
Repayable Contribution
Fund Type
The Community Economic Development and Diversification Stream aims to develop, diversify and transform local economies by promoting small business development, community innovation and strategic collaborations.
Projects will normally support legally incorporated businesses that foster community economic diversification and transformation. These projects would improve productivity, capacity and competiveness of businesses to increase employment and growth opportunities, as well as enhance the resilience of communities. Examples of eligible project activities could include: facilities improvement or expansion to support greater economic diversification; adoption of new equipment; market development, diversification and expansion. For projects involving redistribution of funding, the ultimate recipients (SMEs) must provide minimum 50 percent cash contribution. The maximum disbursement of a contribution that provides funding to SMEs as their ultimate recipient is capped at a maximum of $100,000 per SME under a FedDev Ontario project with a not-for-profit organization.