Community Cultural Engagement and Planning Grant. Implementation

“SaskCulture Inc.”



Maximum Eligible Amount

Government Grant

Fund Type

The Community Cultural Engagement and Planning Grant (CCEP) aims to support Saskatchewan municipalities and First Nations Bands wanting to explore and plan for the creative and cultural potential of their community through cultural engagement and planning initiatives.

  • The CCEP program objectives are to: support initiatives that explore, engage and plan for culture and the cultural life of a community; support cultural planning, development and investment that is coordinated and integrated with community planning and community development; support initiatives aimed at increasing communication, collaboration and cooperation amongst cultural organizations and between cultural organizations and other organizations in the community (examples: business, education, health, tourism, social, environmental): and support partnerships that promote cultural vitality, creativity and economic sustainability. Partnerships may include organizations in the culture, business, social and environmental sectors.
  • To support implementation: projects will be implementation initiatives resulting from a community culture plan or other plan that has focused on culture in the community.

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