Community Addictions Prevention and Mental Health Promotion Grants Program
“Newfoundland and Labrador”
Maximum Eligible Amount
Government Grant
Fund Type
The grants program is designed to support projects by individuals, community groups and non-profit organizations in the prevention of addictions and promotion of positive mental health. This year, an additional $60,000 has been added to the grants budget as part of Budget 2022 funding for the Life Promotion Suicide Prevention Action Plan, bringing the total support available for the grants to $200,000.
Aligned with recommendations from Health Accord NL, program funding is administered by the Provincial Government in partnership with the four regional health authorities. Each regional health authority has dedicated addiction prevention and mental health promotion staff available to provide advice, support and resources to applicants. Projects should align with one or more of these priority areas: -Suicide Prevention; -Life Promotion; -Prevention of alcohol and other substance use related harms; -Promotion of mental wellness.