Communities in Transition. CIT Capital Grant Program
“Saskatchewan. Municipal Infrastructure and Finance”
The funder does not disclose this information
Maximum Eligible Amount
Government Grant
Fund Type
The Communities in Transition (CIT) Program is split into two separate grant programs: the CIT Capital Grant Program and the CIT Operating Grant Program.
- This portion of the program provides financial assistance to establish more sustainable, cost-effective service provisions in those RMs that assume financial liabilities related to environmental-based physical infrastructure. These infrastructure issues are often detrimental to the safety and health of communities and their residents.
- The CIT Capital Grant Program also provides funding for eligible feasibility and administrative costs associated with municipal restructuring. This was previously funded through the Municipal Restructuring Fund that was managed by the Saskatchewan Association of Rural Municipalities (SARM) and funded by the province.
- The province may approve strategic initiatives, consistent with The Municipal Grants Regulations, in the case that CIT funding remains unspent at the end of a fiscal year. Funding has been provided to SARM every fiscal year since 2009-2010 for initiatives which will benefit all or several RMs throughout the province. SARM is responsible for the administration of these funds.