College and Community Innovation Program - Engage Grants
“Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC)”
Maximum Eligible Amount
Government Grant
Fund Type
Engage Grants are designed to give innovative companies that operate from a Canadian base access to the knowledge, expertise and capabilities available at Canadian colleges.
As the CCI program is currently being redesigned to simplify, streamline and address the changing dynamics of applied research in colleges and communities across Canada, the last day to submit an application for Engage will be December 15, 2021, or until the remaining funds (up to $1 million) have been spent. A limit of up to two awards per college is being imposed to manage demand.
The current suite of CCI program opportunities will be transitioned to the new grant types over the coming months. These new grant types will be launched in phases, starting with the Mobilize grants to be launched in December 2021.
Engage Grants support well-defined research projects undertaken by eligible colleges and their industrial partners. A maximum grant of $ 25,000 over a period of normally six months will be awarded to support the project costs.