Cleantech Research and Innovation
“Prince Edward Island”
Maximum Eligible Amount
Government Grant
Fund Type
Island business, organizations, academic institutions and communities developing clean technology may be eligible for funding through the Cleantech Research and Innovation Fund (CRIF). CRIF will provide up to $500,000 for research and development of a product, service or process that achieves any of the following CRIF program pillars: Reduce negative environmental impact by significantly improving energy efficiency and switching fuel sources; Sustainably enhance grid resiliency; Develop sustainable use of resources; Create non-emitting and/or renewable energy; or Enhance environmental protection activities.
Island business, organizations, academic institutions and communities developing clean technology may be eligible for funding through the Cleantech Research and Innovation Fund (CRIF). CRIF will provide up to $500,000 for research and development of a product, service or process that achieves any of the following CRIF program pillars:
- Reduce negative environmental impact by significantly improving energy efficiency and switching fuel sources;
- Sustainably enhance grid resiliency;
- Develop sustainable use of resources;
- Create non-emitting and/or renewable energy; or
- Enhance environmental protection activities.
Who is eligible to apply for CRIF?
To be considered for funding, applicants must have a physical presence in PEI and may be:
- A PEI registered business that manufactures, processes or develops products;
- A PEI educational institution researching and developing clean technology products;
- An Indigenous community endeavouring to reduce negative impact on the environment; or
- Other government agencies (please include a description of your agency when you apply)
An applicant with a defaulted outstanding debt obligation on file in the Province’s Central Default Registry is not eligible for Cleantech Research and Innovation Funding.
What level of support will CRIF provide?
CRIF will support up to 80% (to a maximum $500,000) of eligible costs associated with validation, refinement, diversification, and/or commercialization of a cleantech project that demonstrates:
- Technology Readiness Level (link is external)(TRL) 2-6 or equivalent as per Industry Canada;
- Potential for export market uptake;
- High likelihood of successful commercialization with a clear path to market, including a detailed timeline and milestones.
The combined project funding from all non-repayable government sources cannot exceed ninety per cent (90%) of eligible costs. Each project may access CRIF one time only.
Eligible costs are limited to non-recurring direct costs associated with research and development of a proposed project and may include:
- Salaries directly related to the project (maximum 30 percent of the total project cost);
- Subcontracting, engineering, and consulting fees;
- Materials;
- Product or process testing and refinement;
- Intellectual property strategy and protection;
- Beta/pilot/prototype design and development; and
- Academic and environmental research directly related to the project.
Program staff may approve applicable use of funds directly related to the project but not outlined in the CRIF criteria.
How will funds be allocated?
Funds will be allocated with 60% paid upon signing of contribution agreements with the Department and the remaining 40% upon proof of completion of work set out in the project plan. When you receive your contribution agreement, we may require you to complete a payee registration from to register you for payment from the province.
What criteria will be used to evaluate the applications?
Applications will be reviewed in the order of submission (first come, first served) and approved on the strength of a detailed Research and Development Project Plan submitted by the applicant.
To be eligible for funding, the project must be large-scale, include a research and development element, and have a strong possibility for commercialization.
All applicants (the business and the proposed project) will be subject to due diligence to evaluate the capacity of the business to complete the project and achieve the stated outcomes.
Technical expertise will be used to review the technical aspects of the proposed project. All reviewers will be bound by confidentiality and non-disclosure agreements.
What information is required for the R&D project plan?
The R&D project plan will include the following sections:
- Project name- a short, concise title that conveys the proposed outcome (product, process, or service) of the completed R&D project;
- Technical summary that:
- Describes how the proposed product, process, or service will achieve CRIF project pillars (listed above); and
- Provides necessary details to allow assessors to compare to the Technology Readiness Matrix;
- Applicant’s experience in clean technology industry, specifically management experience of the project management team. Also identify key members of the R&D project team, with a summary of their roles and responsibilities (gender equality is an asset), along with any external groups that will be assisting with the project
- Project activities - an overview of work to be completed and, for each activity, specify the:
- Objective
- Expected outcome
- Roles and responsibilities of members involved
- Time required for each activity
- Procedures and methods to be employed
- Technological uncertainties and risk mitigation strategies for each task, where applicable
- Financial summary, including detailed budget, all financial contributors, and total amount of CRIF funds requested. This should include summary of work completed and total investment to date, with supporting documentation
Download a guide to the R&D project plan.
What do I need to complete the online form?
You will be asked to provide:
- Identity and contact details
- Applicant stream: educational institution, government agency, Indigenous community, business
- Project name
- A brief technical description of the proposed cleantech project, including a list of activities to be carried out.
- Technology Readiness Level (TRL)
- Level of funding requested
- R&D project plan that includes a description of your experience in cleantech, your R&D team and your key collaborators, along with a financial summary and budget for the project