Catapult Access Innovation Fund

“Rideau Hall Foundation”


The funder does not disclose this information

Maximum Eligible Amount

Private Grant

Fund Type

The Catapult Access Innovation Fund is designed to support youth-serving organizations in Canada to design, build, scale up and evaluate the impact of initiatives to better support Canadian youth, especially youth underserved by the education system and disengaged from education and / or career pathways .

Support community organizations to scale-up current practices to increase reach and effectiveness; support community organizations committed to improving the educational and career pathways of opportunity youth (youth between 16 and 24 who are disconnected from education and work); support community organizations interested in learning more about what works (and what doesn't work) in supporting opportunity youth; support organizations to increase capacity and leadership infrastructure; support creative and effective practices for building organizational long-term sustainability; support initiatives that foster greater community engagement and partnership across the sector; distribute and disseminate promising practices across Canadian communities; and foster a community that supports promising practices and peer-to-peer learning opportunities.

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