Capital development fund

“RESO Investissements Inc. (RII)”


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Maximum Eligible Amount


Fund Type

RESO Investissements Inc. (RII), a capital development fund for the Sud-Ouest, was born out of the community's need for a new tool that not only aided the start-up and growth of new business and strengthened existing businesses, but ensured that these businesses took root in the Sud-Ouest in the long term. The fund is intended for both profit-seeking businesses and businesses of the social economy in the Sud-Ouest, including those based in the boroughs of LaSalle and Lachine.

  • Boosting economic growth and strengthening businesses in the district
  • Encouraging the emergence of job-creating projects
  • Debentures, convertibles, equity-type loans Complementary to institutional and government financing tools Submission of a complete business plan, including promoters' curricula vitae

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