Canadian Space Agency | utiliTerre

“Canadian Space Agency”


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Maximum Eligible Amount

Government Grant

Fund Type

With the utiliTerre initiative, the Canadian Space Agency ( CSA ) is renewing its funding method for the development of Earth observation applications. utiliTerre promotes the intelligent use of satellite data for the development of solutions to important challenges on Earth and in our daily lives .

Funding opportunities are offered under three streams: Accelerator , Integrator and Facilitator .

utiliEarth replaces the following CSA  programs: the Earth Observation Applications Development Program, the Earth Observation Government Initiatives Program and the Scientific and Operational Applications Research Program.


utiliTerre's funding streams

What is the Accelerator Stream?

As its name suggests, the Accelerator component aims to accelerate the development of innovative solutions with satellite data, according to the state of readiness (up to the demonstration stage), which will make it possible to meet important challenges for the Canada (through an application, product or service).

Funding is done in two phases. Only the most promising qualified projects are eligible for the second phase.

What is the Integrator Stream?

The Integrator component aims to provide innovative solutions with satellite data that will meet national priorities, facilitate federal government operations and improve service delivery to Canadians.

The solutions will be developed by a multi-sectoral group led by the private sector. This grouping may include (but is not limited to):

  • for-profit and non-profit organizations;
  • post-secondary educational institutions;
  • government departments and agencies (federal/provincial) and municipal governments.

What is the Facilitator stream?

The Facilitator Stream aims to enhance the capabilities and expertise of Canadian for-profit organizations, non-profit organizations and post-secondary institutions in the use of satellite data for various applications. It also aims to foster competitiveness and growth.


  • Developing innovative solutions with satellite data to help meet various needs on Earth and in our daily lives.
  • Increase Canadian downstream stakeholder collaboration.
  • Enhance the expertise, growth and competitiveness of the Canadian space sector.
  • Advance scientific knowledge.

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