Canadian Research Data Centre Network

“Innovation, Science and Economic Development (ISED)”


The funder does not disclose this information

Maximum Eligible Amount

Government Grant, In-kind

Fund Type


Building on 20 years of partnership with universities across Canada and Statistics Canada to provide secure, direct access to microdata that can be used to identify and address priority questions for researchers and policy-makers, CRDCN is strengthening models and mechanisms for collaboration at the research-policy nexus that contribute to improved processes and increased capacity for microdata access and analysis, harnessing technological innovation with its partners, and supporting the pipeline for research.

CRDCN advocates for the importance of research and demonstrates the value of research-policy collaboration, leveraging the ways in which research and policy colleagues that are members of the CRDCN community are aligned: the use of sound methods; robust data and ethical standards for inquiry and analysis; the aim to better understand complex challenges at the local, regional, national and global levels; and contributing to solutions to these challenges.

CRDCN researchers access Statistics Canada microdata through a national network of university-based Research Data Centres (RDCs). They investigate a wide range of socio-economic and health topics related to such areas as income and employment, immigration and settlement, education and social development, and population health and health services. They also address cross-cutting topics related to Indigenous Peoples, gender, racial and ethnic issues, and housing and homelessness. Click here to find an RDC.

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