Canadian Foundation for AIDS Research



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Maximum Eligible Amount

Private Grant

Fund Type

CANFAR was incorporated in 1987 primarily to meet an urgent need for research on Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) and the conditions related to it, all of which are associated with an infection with the retrovirus HIV. To this end CANFAR awards research grants in the basic sciences, clinical, epidemiological and psycho-social areas related to: fundamental and applied research; education and prevention; psycho-social; community research; and care. The epidemic has profound and widespread societal repercussions. Therefore, CANFAR allocates a portion of its resources to grants for the development and evaluation of education programs, and for research on ethical and other applications of measures that might be proposed for the protection of the public health.

  • To support HIV prevention, treatment, care, and the search for a cure.

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