Canadian Food Innovation Network | Innovation Booster

“Canadian Food Innovation Network”



Maximum Eligible Amount

Government Grant

Fund Type

The Canadian Food Innovation Network (CFIN) is an industry-led, not-for-profit corporation dedicated to becoming the world-leading innovation network for food and beverage. This vision means that over time Canada will develop benchmarks for measuring its relative global position in food innovation and it will continuously strive to bolster Canada’s global ranking in food industry competitiveness. The result will be that Canada is recognized globally as an excellent place to undertake food and beverage innovation and that recognition, in turn, will draw more investment and talent to Canada that leads to world class outcomes. 

Small or Medium Enterprises (SMEs), a business with 499 or fewer employees and less than $50 million in gross revenues, have a wide range of needs to overcome barriers to food innovation and research projects that lead to commercializable innovation outcomes. Many of these needs can be traced to capacity limitations, as they do not have the expertise in-house to undertake pathfinding in order to advance their food innovation and research with sufficient scale to have impact and achieve results.

The Innovation Booster is designed to provide flexible and rapid support on a cost-shared basis to enable SMEs, in particular, to advance their food innovation and research outcomes.

CFIN’s mission is to: 

  • Accelerate the food innovation performance of companies in Canada; 
  • Connect innovators and foster collaboration across enterprises and organizations of all sizes, disciplines, sectors, roles and geography to enable discovery, development and commercial deployment of innovation outcomes for Canada’s benefit; and 
  • Drive the utilization of Canada’s innovation capacity

CFIN will engage firms, research centres, providers of capital, and other partners in the food ecosystem to achieve success in increasing the innovation performance of its members. Through network activities, CFIN anticipates innovation benefits will be generated that will accrue to all Canadians. 

The three innovation priorities for projects are: 

• Smart Product and Process Development 

• Food Ecosystem Sustainability 

• Agile and Safe Supply Chains 


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