Canadian Agricultural Partnership. Plant health, livestock health and biosecurity program (YT)

“Yukon. Energy, Mines and Resources”


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Maximum Eligible Amount

Government Grant

Fund Type

The Canadian Agricultural Partnership is a 5-year, $3 billion investment by federal, provincial and territorial governments to help the agriculture and agri-food processing industry.

  • The objective of this program is to monitor, support and improve the health and welfare of Yukon livestock.
  • Veterinary support for the assessment and monitoring of animal health to support safe food production and to build a Yukon livestock health database. Database information will be used to monitor livestock health trends over time, provide pertinent information to Yukon producers and will be shared with other jurisdictions as required to support national animal health surveillance systems; support for educational publications and activities related to livestock health, biosecurity and food safety based on recognized national standards, assurance systems, and traceability activities that will contribute to the adoption and implementation of national traceability or assurance systems. This will allow Yukon to participate in enhanced tracking systems for food-safe outcomes focusing on premises identification and support for participation in the national livestock identification programs; support studies that will allow Yukon to identify and prepare for established and emerging risks to plant health, focusing on prevention or mitigation of identified risks.

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