Canadian Agricultural Partnership. Agriculture Training Program (YT)

“Yukon. Energy, Mines and Resources”



Maximum Eligible Amount

Government Grant

Fund Type

The Canadian Agricultural Partnership is a 5-year, $3 billion investment by federal, provincial and territorial governments to help the agriculture and agri-food processing industry.

  • The objective of this program is to support training and develop the human resource capabilities within the agriculture and agri-food community.
  • Supporting the development and delivery of agricultural seminars, workshops, conferences; supporting activities that will develop the human resource capabilities of the Yukon agriculture and agri-food processing industries; supporting attendance at agricultural courses, seminars, workshops and conferences; supporting established agricultural producers or agri-food processors to participate in mentorship opportunities and consult with agri-businesses to increase knowledge and strengthen experience in their industry; opportunities for new entrants, women, youth, and persons with disabilities into the Yukon agriculture and agri-food industry to gain knowledge and experience in northern agriculture through internships with established members of the Yukon industry.

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