Canada-Alberta Livestock Feed Assistance Initiative

“Alberta. Agriculture Financial Services Corporation”


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Maximum Eligible Amount

Government Grant

Fund Type

On August 6, 2021, the Government of Alberta announced an AgriRecovery response, the 2021 Canada-Alberta Livestock Feed Assistance Initiative, to help address the extraordinary costs being incurred by Alberta’s livestock producers because of reduced grazing capacity caused by prolonged dry weather and extreme high temperatures.

Producers can apply for an initial AgriRecovery payment through the 2021 Canada-Alberta Livestock Feed Assistance Initiative to help cover feed and water access costs for breeding female livestock across the province.

Payments will flow soon after applications are received. Once applications are approved and processed, those who sign up for the direct deposit option will see payments toward the end of the month. 

Taking a feed-need approach, supplemented by receipts, a secondary payment of up to $106 per head will be available to producers who have experienced extraordinary costs as a result of the drought, in addition to the initial payment.

Cattle and bison will be eligible for an initial payment of $94 per head and a secondary payment of $106 per head, for a total of $200 per head. Other livestock will be subject to a different per head payment.

The program will be administered through Agriculture Financial Services Corporation (AFSC). Program terms and conditions are posted on AFSC’s website.

An AFSC Connect account is required to receive payments. Directions on how to sign up for AFSC Connect are available on AFSC’s website. 

AgriRecovery is a federal-provincial-territorial disaster relief framework to help agricultural producers with the extraordinary costs associated with recovering from natural disasters. Eligible costs will be supported on the 60-40 cost-shared federal-provincial basis outlined under the Canadian Agricultural Partnership.

The response provides support and cash flow for Alberta's livestock producers and beekeepers to cover extraordinary expenses incurred to feed livestock.

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