Call For Shelter Operators

“Alberta Purchasing Connection”


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Maximum Eligible Amount

Government Grant

Fund Type

With an increased number of people accessing the emergency shelter system in Edmonton, Alberta’s government is taking action to expand shelter services for everyone who needs them. Alberta’s government is committed to having a safe place for women to go and providing culturally informed service delivery for people experiencing homelessness. That is why the province is opening new women emergency shelters, culturally appropriate spaces for Indigenous people and temporary winter shelters.

Alberta’s government is currently connecting with agencies that expressed interest from the first application call in July, which included up to 100 permanent Indigenous-led spaces, up to 100 permanent women-only spaces, and temporary winter spaces. These actions are part of Alberta's Action Plan on Homelessness, announced in October 2022, which included funding increases for 24-7 shelter operations and other homelessness initiatives in Edmonton.

As part of Alberta’s Action Plan on Homelessness, the province is putting out a call for applications to services providers who are interested in opening permanent Indigenous shelters, women’s emergency shelters and temporary winter shelters in Edmonton. This includes funding to allow Edmonton shelters to operate 24-7 while also addressing a funding differential for supportive housing between Edmonton and Calgary.

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