Call for Proposals to Address GBV through Promising Practices and Community-based Research | Stream 1 - Promising Practices
“Office of Women and Gender Equality”
Maximum Eligible Amount
Government Grant
Fund Type
Gender-based violence costs women and gender-diverse people their lives. Those most at risk are people living in rural and remote areas, Indigenous women, Black women, women with disabilities, women of colour, and gender non-binary and 2SLGBTQI+ people. Understanding and addressing gender-based violence against these groups is a crucial step towards achieving gender equality in Canada. Today, the Honourable Marci Ien, Minister for Women and Gender Equality and Youth, is launching a call for proposals to address gender-based violence through promising practices and community-based research. This funding opportunity aims to fund projects that will develop, put in place, and evaluate or scale up promising practices to strengthen the gender-based violence sector. It will also fund research projects that build knowledge to help address the needs of specific groups that are at risk of gender-based violence or are underserved when they experience it.
Context for the call for proposals
Gender-based violence (GBV) costs women and gender diverse people their lives. It has profound effects on children. Estimates show that Canadians spend billions every year to deal with the aftermath. Those at highest risk live in rural and remote areas, are Indigenous women, Black women, women with disabilities, women of colour, gender non-binary and 2SLGBTQI+ people.
There are two objectives for this call for proposals:
- For the Promising Practices stream: The objective is to fund projects to develop, put in place, and evaluate or to scale promising practices to strengthen the GBV sector.
- For the Community-based Research stream: The objective is to fund research projects that build knowledge to help address the needs of the underserved in the GBV sector.
- You can only apply to one stream of the call for proposals and can only submit one application to this call for proposals.
- You cannot apply to scale promising practices that are part of an unfinished project.
Objectives of the promising practices stream of the call for proposals
The objective of this stream is to strengthen the GBV sector through projects that will:
- Develop, put in place, and evaluate promising practices, or
- Scale a successful promising practice in a new location or with a new population
Key action areas
Key actions will focus on promising practices that strengthen the GBV sector. They will also address gaps in prevention and supports for at-risk populations. The key action areas are:
- Develop, put in place, and evaluate a promising practice
- Scale a tested and successful promising practice
- Strengthen the GBV sector to better address the needs of at-risk populations
- Seek to understand the root causes and systemic factors that enable GBV and work on viable solutions
- Address barriers to accessing GBV supports and services