Call for proposals for writing projects in theater intended for the school public




Maximum Eligible Amount

Government Grant

Fund Type

Purpose of the program

The mission of the Ministère de la Culture et des Communications is to contribute to the influence of culture and communications as well as to the individual and collective development of the population.

As part of the second 2022-2025 Interdepartmental Action Plan for the Government Health Prevention Policy, and on the basis of the mission entrusted to it, the Department has undertaken to make its contribution by supporting the creation of theater based on the theme of physical or mental health and related to the key factors of the development of young people. The selected themes are as follows (what appears in parentheses illustrates concepts related to the themes; see the references at the end of the program for more details):

  • prosocial behaviors and healthy and positive relationships (development of social and emotional skills in preventing violence and bullying [including cyberbullying], conflict resolution, positive communication, etc.);
  • diversity and inclusion (Aboriginal realities, social and cultural diversity, racism, openness to diversity [body, gender, origin, etc.], gender equality, etc.);
  • understanding of sexual diversity and gender plurality (LGBTQ+ realities, gender expression and identity, gender roles and stereotypes, etc.);
  • use of screens (beneficial or problematic use, social networks, Internet, health risks, etc.);
  • positive mental health (management of emotions, positive relationships, self-esteem, self-knowledge, sense of belonging, social engagement, healthy lifestyles, etc.);
  • global, positive and respectful approach to sexuality (awareness of consent, egalitarian relationships, prevention of STBBIs and unplanned pregnancies, etc.);
  • creation of caring environments for young people (valuing the request for help, support, accompaniment by school, family, community, promotion of mutual aid and egalitarian relationships, etc.);
  • informed choices and management of social influences (alcohol, tobacco [including vaping], psychoactive substances, gambling, etc.).

Initially, the Ministry would like to receive writing projects. These projects will be submitted to a committee which will select some of them and allocate a maximum sum of $15,000 to each selected project. Secondly, once the plays have been written, the committee will become acquainted with them and will be able to offer, for some of them, assistance with the school tour.

Please note that the reality of youth suicide is not one of the eligible themes and should not be addressed in the submitted projects, directly or indirectly. This is based on the most recent recommendations of experts, due to the harmful effects observed in young people with vulnerabilities when this theme is addressed in the context of activities. Suicide prevention with groups of young people must be supervised by duly trained

Main objective

With a view to prevention, the objective is to make young people in preschool, elementary and secondary school aware, through theatre, of certain themes and various key factors of development related to the person or his environment.

Specific objectives

  • Better equip students to make choices that have a positive effect on their health, well-being and educational success.
  • Increase the number of cultural health initiatives for students.
  • Support the creation and performance of theatrical works aimed specifically at preschool, primary or secondary school students.
  • Promoting dramatic writing for young audiences.
  • Foster collaboration between authors and theater companies.

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