Call for projects - Young people who are neither in employment, nor in studies or in training
“Quebec. Ministère du Travail, de l'Emploi et de la Solidarité sociale”
The funder does not disclose this information
Maximum Eligible Amount
Government Grant
Fund Type
This call for projects aims to support regional projects which are carried out in particular by organizations specializing in employability and which help young people under 35 who have difficulty entering and staying in the labor market.
Priority will be given to projects which will support these young people in their integration into the labor market and which
- will be based mainly on an optimal use of existing employment measures, while ensuring young people a sustained support until their professional autonomy, obtaining a job and maintaining in employment, if necessary;
- present original means to reach this clientele and promote their engagement;
- concern a regional issue deemed important in terms of employment and manpower and falling within the framework of government priorities;
- will result in collaboration with various partners in the labor market.
The Ministry of Labor, Employment and Social Solidarity (MTESS) is launching a call for projects to support young people who are neither in employment, nor in studies, nor in training (young NEEF) in their approach to integration into the labor market.