Call for projects to support commemoration initiatives | Appel de projets pour le soutien aux initiatives de commémoration - Stream 1: General

“Québec. Culture et Communications”


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Maximum Eligible Amount

Government Grant

Fund Type

Purpose of the program

The Call for projects program to support commemoration initiatives aims to increase the number of commemorative gestures and their influence so that citizens from all regions of Quebec have the opportunity to participate in commemorations of national interest, regional or local and collectively remember characters, events and places that have marked the history of Québec.

The field of commemoration involves several actors, in addition to government departments and agencies. These are municipal organizations, First Nations or Inuit organizations and governments, and various civil society organizations that strive to maintain the collective memory, not to mention all those who may be bearers of occasional commemoration activities.

Commemorative gestures have an important role to play in promoting the history of Québec, maintaining memory and feeling of belonging to a community. This financial assistance program therefore specifically targets the field of commemoration in order to support its actors, stimulate the realization of commemorative projects and allow commemorative gestures to shine in their proper measure, paying particular attention to subjects and groups traditionally under-represented. depicted from a commemorative perspective.

This Call for Projects makes it possible to support initiatives by non-profit organizations, cooperatives, collective enterprises or municipal organizations (part 1) as well as Aboriginal applicants (part 2). It stems from measure 1 of the 2022 Quebec Commemoration Strategy , which provides for “supporting the implementation of new commemoration initiatives in all regions of Quebec”. Component 2 is also in line with the orientations of the Government Action Plan for the Social and Cultural Well-Being of First Nations and Inuit 2022-2027 .

The financial assistance granted by the Department within the framework of this Call for projects is intended to support, over a determined period, the carrying out of specific actions and, in this sense, it cannot be automatically renewed. 

General objectives

  • Increase opportunities for citizens from all regions of Quebec to participate in commemoration activities
  • Increase the influence of initiatives from the communities and highlighting the characters, events and places that have marked the history of Québec
  • Increase participation in commemoration activities from communities

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