Call for projects to promote Quebec culture



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Maximum Eligible Amount

Government Grant

Fund Type

The Call for projects for the influence of Quebec culture program aims to support large-scale collective promotional initiatives, large-scale projects contributing to the development and influence of Quebec culture and its offering, as well as the implementation of digital creativity projects in public spaces and various places of cultural dissemination in Quebec.


The general objectives of the Call for Projects are as follows:

  • stimulate the supply and demand for Quebec cultural content;
  • increase the influence of local works, content, practices and cultural products as well as that of the artists and artisans offering them;
  • increase the consumption of Quebec works, content and cultural products throughout the territory.

Please note that the Call for Projects now includes 3 components:

  • component 1: Development and deployment of collective initiatives;
  • component 2: Development and production of large-scale activities contributing to the recognition or promotion of Quebec culture;
  • component 3 (new): Implementation of digital creativity projects in public spaces and places of cultural dissemination in Quebec.

Eligible clientele

The Call for Projects targets the following applicants:

  • non-profit legal entity;
  • cooperative;
  • collective enterprise;
  • private for-profit company (parts 1 and 2 only);
  • municipal body;
  • public authority of the First Nations or Inuit.

Eligible projects 

To be eligible, projects must contribute to one or more of the sectors of intervention of the Ministry, the Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec, the Société de développement des enterprises culturelle or the Bibliothèque et Archives nationaux du Québec. They must begin no earlier than March 1 , 2024 and end no later than March 31 , 2026. 

To be eligible for component 3, the applicant must be responsible for managing the occupation of a public space (examples: MRC, municipality, First Nations and Inuit) or a cultural place in Quebec (examples: library, museum , heritage site).

Interested organizations are invited to consult the Call for Projects web page  for full details.

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