Call for projects targeting municipal climate cooperation
Maximum Eligible Amount
Government Grant
Fund Type
This call for projects aims to contribute to the influence, at the Canadian and international levels, of the actions of Quebec municipalities and Aboriginal communities in the fight against climate change. It also aims to promote the acquisition of best practices and innovative technologies to accelerate Quebec's climate transition.
Funding Guidelines
An amount of $100,000 has been granted for this call for projects.
Financial assistance cannot exceed CA$20,000 per applicant. It is possible to submit more than one project. The maximum amount of CA$20,000 will then be split between the applicant's projects. Each project must be presented separately and clearly identified (forms, schedules, budget and related documents).
Financial assistance is limited to 75% of eligible expenses related to the project and cannot be combined with assistance from another call for projects or from another program of the Plan for a Green Economy 2030.
The objectives pursued by this call for projects are as follows:
- Highlight the leadership of municipalities and Indigenous communities on the international scene by presenting the results and benefits of their actions against climate change;
- Promote the integration of best municipal and technological practices on a global scale in order to solve local problems;
- Deepen the knowledge of Aboriginal communities and the municipal sector and develop their expertise on climate issues that concern them;
- Reduce GHG emissions and increase the resilience of their people and their economy to climate change;