Call for projects in support of strategic technology platforms



Maximum Eligible Amount

Government Grant

Fund Type

The Government of Quebec is launching a call for projects to support the development of large-scale technological research platforms or facilities in innovative, strategic and emerging sectors. Carrying out research and innovation work (fundamental or applied) requires the use of technological platforms made up of specialized equipment that meets recognized norms and standards and the expertise of the associated personnel in order to offer services. cutting edge in areas of strategic activity for Quebec. 

This is why it is necessary: 

  • to ensure the optimization of the operation of the research facilities in order to fully exploit their capacities; 
  • to offer researchers and recipient communities increased services for carrying out research and technological development work. 


This call for projects has a budget envelope of $6,500,000 to achieve these objectives resulting from the Quebec Strategy for Research and Investment in Innovation 2022-2027. Financial aid Financial assistance takes the form of a non-repayable contribution of up to 80% of eligible expenses up to a maximum of $600,000 per project.


  • Support and support the development of strategic research platforms or facilities in innovative fields in order to strengthen synergies and promote access for companies and other Quebec stakeholders to cutting-edge infrastructures to carry out research and development activities technological. 
  • Enable research platforms or facilities to develop a range of services that meet the needs of recipient communities. Allow platforms or research facilities to optimize their operation and fully exploit their capabilities.

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