Call for projects in support of strategic technological platforms
Maximum Eligible Amount
Government Grant
Fund Type
Support and support the development of strategic research platforms or facilities in innovative fields in order to strengthen synergies and promote access for Quebec businesses and other interested communities to cutting-edge infrastructures to carry out research and development activities technological. Allow research platforms or facilities: to develop a range of services that meet the needs of tenant communities; to optimize their operation and fully exploit their capabilities.
Goals Support and support the development of strategic research platforms or facilities in innovative fields in order to strengthen synergies and promote access for Quebec businesses and other interested communities to cutting-edge infrastructures to carry out research and development activities technological. Allow research platforms or facilities: to develop a range of services that meet the needs of tenant communities; to optimize their operation and fully exploit their capabilities. Eligibility Are eligible: Quebec non-profit organizations (NPOs) operating in different areas of research and innovation, with the exception of college technology transfer centers, whose projects must be carried out by the associated college establishment; the establishments of the Quebec health and higher education networks operating in these same environments. Steps Consult the Application Submission Guide for the call for projects in support of strategic technological platforms (PDF 736 KB) . Complete the financial aid application form (PDF 1.69 MB) and prepare the following documents: the designation of the official sponsor, signed by the competent authority; letters attesting to support for the project (maximum of three); the operating and operational budget and indicators of the platform or research facility (XLSX 11.75 KB) . Submit a request Business hours Before January 19, 2024, at 11:59 p.m. Emails Aid granted Financial assistance takes the form of a non-refundable contribution of up to 80% of eligible expenses, up to $600,000 per project. The selected projects will be announced at the beginning of April 2024.