Call for projects for the revival of the tourism industry in the Capitale-Nationale region
“Quebec. Capitale-Nationale Secretariat”
The funder does not disclose this information
Maximum Eligible Amount
Government Grant
Fund Type
The Capitale-Nationale Secretariat, the Office de tourisme de Québec and Tourisme Charlevoix are joining forces to revive the tourism industry in the Capitale-Nationale region in 2022.
A call for projects is underway to financially support organizations active in this industry. Projects must fall into one of the following two categories:
Tourist attraction
A place or a product, arranged, built or created, of a seasonal or permanent nature, which has the capacity to attract day trippers and tourists thanks to a distinctive characteristic. It offers a reception structure for visitors (staff on site or information panels).
Festivals / events
A festival or a tourist, cultural or sporting event, whether one-off or recurring, consists of a public event, produced and held in the Capitale-Nationale region, organized according to a theme and a program of 'activities which generate a large number of visitors (excursionists and tourists) and which animate the region.
The projects submitted must be of a one-off nature for the year 2022 and target a national and international clientele .
A non-refundable grant of up to 80% of eligible expenses may be paid to organizations whose projects are selected.
- Support the revival of the region's tourist, cultural and sports industry;
- Offer signature programming throughout 2022;
- Improve the current tourist offer and attract new events and attractions;
- Showcase our built heritage, our culture and our history;
- Promote attractiveness and promote the Capitale-Nationale region internationally;
- Promote the development of an original, attractive tourist offer, complementary to the existing offer and respectful of sustainable development;
- Stimulate the economy of the Capitale-Nationale region.