Call for innovation projects in quantum technologies: collaborative industrial research and support for entrepreneurship | Part 1: Startup innovation projects

“Québec. Ministère de l’Économie, de l'Innovation et de l'Énergie”



Maximum Eligible Amount

Government Grant

Fund Type

Part 1: Startup innovation projects This component is intended for start-ups in quantum technologies (incorporated for five years or less) that receive (or plan to receive) the support of an incubator or an accelerator.

Call for innovation projects in quantum technologies: collaborative industrial research and support for entrepreneurship

The call for innovation projects in quantum technologies is aimed at Quebec companies wishing to carry out an innovation project resulting from research and development in the following fields:

  • Quantum computing (which includes but is not limited to the development of quantum computers, quantum software, quantum computer programming languages, quantum algorithms, quantum simulations as well as supporting technologies essential to the development of quantum computers [e.g. microfabrication, refrigeration, photon manipulation]);
  • Quantum communication (which includes but is not limited to quantum cryptography, quantum internet and quantum networks, using the principles of quantum photonics, with multiple applications including security and defense as well as storage and information processing);
  • Quantum materials (which includes, among others, the development or simulation of new materials with innovative quantum properties);
  • Quantum metrology and sensing (which includes, among others, the development of innovative devices based on quantum principles and particularly quantum photonics, or applications for precisely probing, measuring and manipulating quantum properties of matter or photons).

Proposed projects should contribute to the development and commercialization of:

  • quantum computer and quantum communication components;
  • quantum technologies that fall within the following (non-exclusive) fields of application:
    • life science (which includes, among other things, quantum simulation tools for the design of new drugs that potentially support or complement artificial intelligence, as well as the development of innovative materials for medical applications),
    • sustainable development (which includes, among other things, the development and use of devices such as quantum detectors for the detection of mineral deposits),
    • transport and logistics (which includes, among other things, the design of new innovative materials for vehicles or for aeronautics, as well as quantum simulation tools for optimization in logistics and supply chains in support or complement to artificial intelligence).

  • Ensure the development and consolidation of innovation efforts in the field of quantum technologies.
  • Strengthen the technological innovation capacity of businesses and materialize technology development and transfer through economic spinoffs.
  • Contribute to positioning Québec as a leader in the development of quantum technologies.

Part 1: Startup innovation projects

Call for innovation projects in quantum technologies

Stream 1 is for  quantum technology startups  (incorporated for five years or less) that currently receive (or expect to receive) support from one of the following four organizations:

  • ÉTS Center for Technological Entrepreneurship (Centech);
  • Technology Business Creation Accelerator (ACET);
  • Entrepreneurship Laval;
  • Quantino.

The start-up must provide proof of support (official letter signed by the incubator or accelerator) or demonstrate that the support process has been initiated when it submits its application.

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