Call for Culture and Inclusion projects
Maximum Eligible Amount
Government Grant
Fund Type
Purpose of the program
The Culture and Inclusion Call for Projects program aims to increase the supply of activities, services or goods that can contribute significantly to the achievement of the objectives of the Ministère de la Culture et des Communications with regard to the consolidation or development of culture and communications.
The financial assistance granted by the Ministry must allow the realization, over a determined period, of limited actions that cannot be automatically renewed.
This program stems from Measure 15.3 of the Government Action Plan for Economic Inclusion and Social Participation 2017-2023 and Measure 2 of the Government Action Plan for Culture 2018-202.
It should be noted that the government is committed to taking into account in its actions the principles enshrined in the Sustainable Development Act , wishing to generate positive spinoffs at the cultural, social and economic levels and to minimize the environmental repercussions. In this perspective, he would like applicants to take a similar approach.
The program has two main objectives: to support the realization of cultural projects for the benefit of people at risk of exclusion or who have a low income. It also aims to subsidize projects that use culture as an intervention tool to act on social problems. Indeed, the Quebec government recognizes that culture is an important factor in social development. Participation in cultural activities promotes the development of individuals and contributes to the forging of social ties.
In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, organizations are invited to present projects that meet public health directives by using, for example, new participatory means.