Business Development Program (BDP)
“Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA)”
Maximum Eligible Amount
Government Grant, Repayable Contribution
Fund Type
The Business Development Program (BDP) can help you start up, expand or modernize your business. Focusing on small and medium-sized enterprises, the BDP provides access to capital in the form of interest-free repayable assistance. The BDP also provides financial assistance, in the form of non-repayable assistance, to not-for-profit organizations that provide support to Atlantic businesses.
- Businesses can apply for BDP financing to: Start-up, expand and modernize; Develop and commercialize products or services; and Improve their competitiveness.
- Not-for-profit organizations can apply for BDP financing to undertake projects that help Atlantic Canadian SMEs to grow, become competitive and increase their productivity. Learn more about eligible costs for non-commercial projects.