BC Festival of the Arts Legacy Fund

“City of Kamloops”



Maximum Eligible Amount

Government Grant

Fund Type

The City of Kamloops aims to provide financial assistance to individuals or groups RESIDENT IN KAMLOOPS for development, presentation, or competition in the various fields of the visual, performing, literary, media, and interdisciplinary arts. Criteria: Grant applications should fall under one of the following categories: a) Personal Development: To help further the artistic development of an individual or single organization. b) Community Development: To support community artistic development through initiatives such as workshops, master classes, and seminars. c) Travel Assistance: To provide travel assistance to individuals attending or participating in important cultural events outside of the Kamloops region.

  • To help further the artistic development of an individual or single organization.
  • To support community artistic development through initiatives such as workshops, master classes, and seminars.
  • To provide travel assistance to individuals attending or participating in important cultural events outside of the Kamloops region.

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