B.C. Agri-Business Planning Program | Stream 2: Business planning, preparedness and disaster recovery

“British Columbia. Farming, Natural Resources & Industry”



Maximum Eligible Amount

Government Grant

Fund Type

B.C.'s Agri-Business Planning Program provides funding support for primary agricultural producers and agriculture, food and beverage processors to support informed decision making and ensure business development.

  • To increase awareness, knowledge, and adoption of best business management practices and support business and sector growth and sustainability
  • To support businesses to proactively assess their financial situation as part of a comprehensive risk assessment plan and/or to assess the feasibility of the financial investment in growth, setting up a contingency fund, business interruption insurance, breakeven analysis, succession, sale of assets, debt service capacity, debt restructure and/or debt mediation
  • To support the development of immediate and long-term business recovery plans for businesses that have been impacted by an external event such as fire, flood, drought, tornado, disease outbreak, COVID-19, death, or illness

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