BBI | Supporting Black Canadian Communities Initiative (SBCCI)
“Black Business Initiative”
Maximum Eligible Amount
Government Grant
Fund Type
The Supporting Black Canadian Communities Initiative (SBCCI) was created by the Federal government through Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) to help increase the capacity of Black-led grassroots and not-for-profit organizations that serve Black communities in Canada. With an aim to increase access to funding and to provide funding to increase organizational capacity, the Government of Canada will be releasing 10.4 million dollars in funding over the next four years.
1. Providing funding through a fair and transparent process, and otherwise support Black community organization across Canada (excluding Quebec) to increase their organizational capacity in the areas of: Increased accessibility to funding from a more diverse range of sources and funding; and Enhanced organizational governance to provide greater organizational stability and improved planning and oversight functions, with specific focus on the following: Leadership and stewardship, Communication and Transparency, and Continuous learning and growth.
2. Support the funded organization and work with partner organizations towards improving the capacity of the Black-led community organizations, thus enhancing the vitality of the sector and building community capacity.
3. Address and be inclusive of diverse Black communities across Canada.