Atlantic Innovation Fund (AIF)
“Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA)”
Maximum Eligible Amount
Government Grant, Repayable Contribution
Fund Type
A part of the Government of Canada’s commitment to increasing business productivity, growth and competitiveness, the AIF is helping Atlantic Canada compete at home and abroad by supporting the development of innovative products and services that lead to commercial success.
- The objectives of the AIF are to help Atlantic Canadians develop and bring to market innovative new products and services that lead to commercial success and economic growth, help grow strategic sectors, maximize benefits from national R&D programs or lead to the creation of research and commercialization partnerships among businesses, universities and research institutions in Atlantic Canada.
- The AIF can provide assistance of up to 80 per cent of total eligible costs for projects led by not-for-profit organizations and up to 75 per cent of total eligible costs for private-sector-led projects. It should be noted that the AIF assistance for eligible building and major renovation costs would not normally exceed 30 per cent of the costs.
- Contributions to the private sector are conditionally repayable based on the commercial success of a project. Contributions to not-for-profit organizations are non-repayable.