Assistance to Community Groups - Cash Grant Social (part of the Saskatoon Collaborative Funders Partnership)

“City of Saskatoon”


The funder does not disclose this information

Maximum Eligible Amount

Government Grant

Fund Type

Saskatoon Collaborative Funding Partnership

Our Vision: By working together we are able to improve quality of life for individuals, families and communities in Saskatoon and area. The partners believe that together they are stronger and more effective than they would be if they worked individually. Together they can have more impact on quality of life in Saskatoon than any single organization alone can have.

Purpose: Provide local community-based organizations and groups a streamlined granting process. Your application could be funded by one or more grant programs based on the individual funder’s priorities and criteria. Note: please read Saskatoon Collaborative Funders Application Guide for individual funders granting priorities and criteria.

Current active members of the Partnership are:

  • City of Saskatoon – Social Services Grant
  • United Way of Saskatoon and Area - Community Initiatives Fund

  • To support human service groups in activities that are of general benefit to Saskatoon citizens and enhances their quality of life, especially in relation to the family. Focus is on supports and services to vulnerable populations within our community.
  • The major overall criteria by which applicants shall be judged is the degree to which the proposed program meets a demonstrated community need that is supported by the City.
  • Assistance shall not be provided for programs which are considered to be a duplication of services already provided.

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