Assistance Program for the dissemination in Variety

“Québec. Société de développement des entreprises culturelles (SODEC)”


The funder does not disclose this information

Maximum Eligible Amount

Government Grant

Fund Type

Through this program, SODEC wishes to financially support professional organizations specialized in the field of varieties.

  • Allow, in the framework of a specific and representative programming, the presentation of shows and conducting activities of varieties artists and industry experts. Promote the dissemination of shows and increase the reputation of nationally and internationally renowned artists and Quebec businesses. Promote public, practitioners and industry experts participation to the activities of the event. Stimulate exchanges of views with respect to artistic practice. Pioneering innovation. Provide professional guidance to early-career artists.
  • This program has three components: Component 1 - Support for national and international events; Component 2 - Support for the programming of a broadcaster; Component 3 - Support for development projects.

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