Assistance program for local roads

“Québec. Transports”


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Maximum Eligible Amount

Government Grant

Fund Type

The Local Roads Assistance Program (PAV) brings together all the financial assistance programs for local roads that existed in 2017-2018. The new program simplifies and modernizes standards, particularly those relating to capital assistance and maintenance assistance for the local road network. The VAP is in effect until March 31, 2021.

In order to assist municipalities in planning, improving and maintaining the infrastructure of the local and municipal road network for which they are responsible, the Ministry has set up the 2021-2024 Local Road Assistance Program (PAVL 2021-2024).

Approved February 9, 2021, the rules for implementing

 the program are in effect for a period of three years, from 1 st  April 2021 to 31 March 2024.


For the 2022-2023 financial year, the calls for projects will take place:

Straightening and Acceleration shutters

  • 1 st  August to 30 September 2021

Support component

  • 1 st  September to 31 October 2021

  • The objective of the PAV is to assist municipalities in the planning, improvement, and maintenance of the local road network for which they are responsible.

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