Arts Project Grant - Medium

“Government of Northwest Territories”



Maximum Eligible Amount

Government Grant

Fund Type

The Medium Arts Project Grant provides mid-career and established artists, craftspeople and arts and non-arts organizations with funding for medium-scale arts projects and events (e.g., collection of work such as paintings, exhibition support).

This grant supports costs for materials and supplies needed to create and display artwork, education, training, and artistic development in the following disciplines:

  • Dance
  • Digital art
  • Fashion
  • Literary arts
  • Media arts
  • Multidisciplinary art
  • Music and sound
  • Artistic development
  • Theatre arts
  • Visual arts and crafts
  • Other


The Medium Arts Project Grant provides mid-career and established artists, craftspeople and arts and non-arts organizations with funding for medium-scale arts projects and events (e.g., collection of work such as paintings, exhibition support).

This grant supports costs for materials and supplies needed to create and display artwork, education, training, and artistic development in the following disciplines:

  • Dance
  • Digital art
  • Fashion
  • Literary arts
  • Media arts
  • Multidisciplinary art
  • Music and sound
  • Artistic development
  • Theatre arts
  • Visual arts and crafts
  • Other

Not sure what funding is right for you? Use our guide to arts project and operating funding and deadlines to decide.

Follow our six steps to getting arts project and operating funding.

Available funding

Applicants can apply for up to $10,000 per intake. This funding program has a total annual budget of $350,000 per year.


There are two intake deadlines per year on February 28 and August 31.


This funding is available to:

  • Mid-career and established artists and craftspeople that have been a resident of the NWT for at least two years prior to the deadline
  • Active artists looking at developing or continuing their art practice
  • Emerging to mid-career artists and craftspeople with at least one funded Small Arts Project Grant projects completed and reported on or NWT Arts Council Grant
  • Arts organizations which are registered and in good standing under the NWT Societies Act that provide opportunities for education, creation, and exhibition for the arts and are not receiving funding from either the Large Arts Project Fund or Arts Operating Fund
  • Non-arts organizations which are registered and in good standing under the NWT Societies Act with a mandate to support the arts

How to apply

Staff are happy to help you with your application. For assistance email or phone 867-767-9347 ext. 71474.

  1. Before you apply review the application guidelines. It’s important the guidelines are reviewed before applying.
  2. Download and complete the application.
  3. Prepare your supporting documents.
  4. Submit your completed application before the deadline:
    • Online: Submit using Filedrop - Before submitting your application and supporting documents please read on how to submit files using a secure file transfer email 
    • In person by appointment: Monday to Friday from 8:30 am to 5 pm – Contact us at the information below to schedule an appointment in Yellowknife
    • Mail: Culture and Heritage, Education, Culture and Employment, Government of the Northwest Territories, P.O. Box 1320, Yellowknife, NT X1A 2L9

Arts Project Grant - Medium

Contact Us

Culture and Heritage

Education, Culture and Employment

P.O. Box 1320

Yellowknife, NT X1A 2L9


867-767-9347 ext. 71474


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