ArcelorMittal Defasco Giving

“ArcelorMittal Defasco”


The funder does not disclose this information

Maximum Eligible Amount

Private Grant

Fund Type

ArcelorMittal’s commitment to corporate responsibility is grounded in our three core values: Quality, Leadership and Sustainability. As a global leader, we recognize our responsibilities not only to our business and the steel industry, but to the communities in which we operate. Taking into consideration our role in business and the world at large, we are committed to transforming tomorrow. Our goal is to support organizations and causes that are located or relate closely to the communities where we have operations and where our employees live.

  • Our contributions include not only financial assistance, but time and leadership resources. It is a mix of these abilities and energies that makes a substantial difference. Many ArcelorMittal Dofasco employees assist in these efforts by volunteering their time, talent and resources to make the non-profit sector more effective and our communities more vital. ArcelorMittal Dofasco reinforces this aspect of voluntarism by supporting a wide variety of non-profit organizations and causes, primarily in the areas of arts and culture, education, environment & conservation, health & human services, and sports & recreation through our Corporate Community Investment Fund.
  • The payback is an improved, vibrant and relevant community that ultimately provides greater opportunity to attract people and investment to the community. Everyone benefits from a stronger social and economic environment. Our employees benefit from living and working in a caring community, and ArcelorMittal Dofasco benefits from a community with the capacity to support the varied activities of companies such as ours. We prefer to support organizations and causes that are located or relate closely to the communities where we have operations and where our employees live and work.

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