Aquaculture Energy Efficiency Innovation

“Nova Scotia”



Maximum Eligible Amount

Government Grant

Fund Type

The Fisheries and Aquaculture Energy Efficiency Innovation Fund

Maintaining a sustainable seafood, aquaculture, and sportfishing sectors throughout Nova Scotia is key to safeguarding these industries across the province. That’s why we’ve partnered with the Province of Nova Scotia to offer the Fisheries and Aquaculture Energy Efficiency Innovation Fund (FAEEIF) to reduce the effects of climate change by investing in innovative and efficient new practices.

The FAEEIF is a provincially-funded program designed to help prepare the commercial fisheries and aquaculture sectors to reduce energy use and climate change impacts to at least 53% below 2005 levels by 2030 and achieve net zero by 2050.


The program aims to incentivize innovative, sustainable, and energy-efficient practices in Nova Scotia’s commercial fisheries and aquaculture sectors through non-repayable, claims-based contributions in four pathways:

Study Path

Supporting studies that enable future projects under the other pathways (Electrification, Renewable, and Operational Efficiency) included in this funding program.  The Study Path promotes future projects that enable the core intent of the fund to create innovative, sustainable, and energy-efficient practices in the Nova Scotia fisheries sector.

Examples include:

  • Electrification readiness studies that enable future vessel conversions for a community or harbour.
  • Any other study that enables projects under the other pathways (Electrification, Renewable, and Operational Efficiency).

Electrification Path

Supporting the transition to the use of electric vessels, support vehicles, and charging infrastructure.

Examples of measures:

  • Diesel vessel data logging and design.
  • Diesel to electric hybrid vessel conversion.
  • Support vehicles such as forklifts.
  • Charging infrastructure.
  • Any innovative projects that advance the objective of this path.

Renewable Path

Supporting adoption of renewables such as solar, wind, geothermal, or biofuel.

Examples of measures:

  • Renewable energy generation installations that support businesses in the fisheries sector or powering charging infrastructure for electric vessels.

Operational Efficiency Path

Supporting energy efficient technology adoption and exploration of energy monitoring and cost of production management projects.

Cost of production measures & operational improvements: Implementation and interconnection of various industry data monitoring systems that support identification of operational energy and cost savings either at an organization or industry level with the intent of impacting the overall fisheries industry.

Implementation of technical improvements in their facilities such as equipment/system purchases or retrofits that result in energy reduction as compared to an established baseline.

Examples of measures:

  • Energy management information system (EMIS) and interconnection ISO-5000.
  • Heat pumps, chiller upgrades, pump downsizing, high efficiency motors, insulation upgrades, process optimization.


The program will offer funding for eligible products and projects to a maximum as follows:


PathwayEligible percentage of total project costs*Maximum funding amount**Additional requirements
Study75%Up to $250K***Business Plan for requests > $100K
Electrification50%Up to $250KBusiness Plan for requests > $100K
Renewables50%Up to $100KN/A
Operational Efficiency50%Up to $100kN/A


Total funding stacking from all third-party sources cannot exceed 80% of the total project cost, the applicant is expected to contribute a minimum of 20%*. Participants may request funding respecting the stacking limit of 80% and the pathway maximum funding limits below.

* Note: in-kind contributions are not considered with respect to stacking limits and applicant contributions.

**Applications will be competitively reviewed per path by funding dollars requested vs impact as evaluated by the scoring criteria.

***If a study is conducted to support future work related to the Operational Efficiency or Renewable Path, the maximum limit for funding is $100K.



The applicant must:

  1. Be the end user of the proposed project.
  2. Have legal capacity to operate in Nova Scotia.
  3. Be in good standing with the Fisheries and Aquaculture Loan Board.

Applicants must also meet one of the following criteria:

  1. Are an aquaculture business in Nova Scotia holding a valid licence and lease from the Nova Scotia Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture.
  2. Are a commercial fish harvester/business operating in Nova Scotia, holding a valid licence from the federal Department of Fisheries and Oceans.
  3. Are a fish buying or processing business registered and licensed in Nova Scotia and in good standing, holding a valid licence from the Nova Scotia Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture.
  4. Operates a business or organization registered in Nova Scotia that directly supports the commercial fisheries and aquaculture industries. A description of how the fisheries industry is supported will be required and evaluated by the steering committee.
  5. Be in good standing with the relevant regulatory authority.

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