American Express - Community Service

“American Express”


The funder does not disclose this information

Maximum Eligible Amount

Private Grant

Fund Type

Whether it's feeding the hungry, cleaning up local parks or painting community shelters, employees of American Express in Canada are always eager to serve their communities through volunteerism and personal financial contributions. We view this activity as an extension of the service ethic that lies at the heart of our business. In addition to company-driven programs, our employees take their own initiative to collect monetary donations, as well as a variety of goods such as food and clothing items in response to community needs. And, many of them are committed volunteers at a variety of Canadian charities. Our senior leaders also donate their time and expertise by volunteering on the boards of a number of non-profit organizations, including United Way of York Region, Junior Achievement Canada and the Toronto Children's Breakfast Club

  • To serve their communities through volunteerism and personal financial contributions. We view this activity as an extension of the service ethic that lies at the heart of our business.

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