Amateur Sport League Fund




Maximum Eligible Amount

Government Grant

Fund Type

The Amateur Sport League Fund was developed to provide one-time financial relief for BC based and BC owned amateur sports leagues and teams to assist with the financial impacts caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The fund was established by the Province of British Columbia and is administered by viaSport British Columbia. viaSport is an independent sport agency funded by the Ministry of Tourism, Arts, Culture and Sport to support the amateur sport system in the province

The goal of this fund is to provide a one-time grant of relief funding to BC-based and / or BC owned nonprofit and for-profit amateur leagues and teams that compete at the provincial, national or international level, do not compensate athletes as employees, and can demonstrate at least 30 percent loss in revenue since March of 2020 due to the impacts of COVID-19. 

The intent of this fund is to help ensure that BC's leagues and their teams remain viable for when sport returns to our communities. viaSport and the Province of British Columbia recognize the significant economic and community value of these organizations, their staff, volunteers, athletes and fans. Grant amounts will be determined based on the volume of eligible applicants and their demonstrated financial nee

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