ALUS Canada
“ALUS Canada”
The funder does not disclose this information
Maximum Eligible Amount
Private Grant
Fund Type
ALUS Canada makes it possible to offset your environmental footprint through agricultural stewardship. ALUS invests in farmers and ranchers who are producing acres of clean air, clean water, wildlife habitat and other ecosystem services in communities across Canada.
- Helps farmers and ranchers restore wetlands, reforest, plant windbreaks, install riparian buffers, manage sustainable drainage systems, create pollinator habitat and establish other ecologically beneficial projects on their properties; recognizes the important role farmers and ranchers play as stewards of the land and empowers them to deliver nature’s benefit on the working landscape; focus on clean air, clean water, flood mitigation, climate adaptation, carbon sequestration, species at risk habitat and all our native bees and pollinators.
- Per-acre annual payments for managing and maintaining ALUS projects on their land.