Alberta. Labour and Immigration | Supports for Newcomer Integration grants

“Alberta. Labour and Immigration”


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Maximum Eligible Amount

Government Grant

Fund Type

Non-profit organizations supporting newcomers building a new life in Alberta can apply for Alberta’s Supports for Newcomer Integration grants. Through the grant, organizations help newcomers access public services such as health and education, learn English and settle into a new life, making Alberta a more diverse and prosperous place.

2022 to 2024 call for proposals

Apply to have your services funded in one of 3 streams:

Settlement and Community Support Services

Settlement and Community Support Services help eligible newcomers get settlement and integration supports while they live and work in Alberta.

Language Assessment and Referral Services

Language Assessment and Referral Services offer clients an English language assessment, and help eligible newcomers find education or training options to improve their language abilities. These services should complement – not duplicate – services available through the federal government.

Drop-in English as an Additional Language (EAL) Services

Drop-in EAL Services offer eligible newcomers alternative English language learning opportunities when they cannot access regular EAL programming. These opportunities should be:

  • open
  • flexible
  • short-term

These services should not replace or duplicate regular EAL programming.

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