AgriScience Program: Projects

“Agriculture and Agri-Food ”



Maximum Eligible Amount

Government Grant

Fund Type

AgriScience Projects (Projects): This component aims to support specific shorter-term research activities to help industry overcome challenges and address fiscal barriers experienced by small and emerging sectors. They also seek to mitigate high risk opportunities that have the potential to yield significant returns. Applications are now being accepted for Projects.

  • The program aims to accelerate the pace of innovation by providing funding and support for pre-commercial science activities and cutting-edge research that benefits the agriculture and agri-food sector and Canadians.
  • The maximum AAFC funding amount for a Project will be less than $5 million over five-years. If you have multiple approved Projects/Clusters within this program, total AAFC funding cannot exceed $10 million per year.
  • Nonprofits can receive up to 70% of eligible costs, while for-profits can receive up to 50%.

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