AgriRecovery | Livestock Feed and Transportation Drought Assistance

“Manitoba. Agriculture and Resource Development”


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Maximum Eligible Amount

Government Grant

Fund Type

AgriRecovery is a disaster relief framework under the Canadian Agricultural Partnership that provides a coordinated process for federal, provincial and territorial governments to respond rapidly when disasters affecting several producers occur.

The Livestock Feed and Transportation Drought Assistance program was developed in consultation with industry to help meet the needs of Manitoba producers experiencing drought conditions.

The program will help livestock producers affected by low moisture conditions in 2021 purchase feed in order to maintain their breeding herds. Producers may be eligible to apply for assistance to:

·         buy and test feed for eligible livestock

·         transport purchased feed from distant locations



Livestock Feed Assistance

Livestock feed assistance is provided for eligible activities and expenses incurred from June 1, 2021 to March 15, 2022 for:

•    winter-feed purchased for eligible breeding animals.

•    feed testing to determine the nutritional value of eligible feeds

Only purchased feed and feed testing is eligible for Livestock Feed and Transportation Drought Assistance.

The feed must be consumed within the overwintering period.

The eligible feeds that can be purchased for eligible animals from June 1, 2021 to March 15, 2022 to maintain them over the winter include:

·      grazed corn and greenfeed

·      mechanically harvested hay, silage, greenfeed, stover, straw, including those purchased as standing crops or grazed in a swath

·      grain and concentrates (commercially prepared pellets, screenings, dried distillers grain)

·      other feeds as approved by the Program Administrator


Payments for livestock feed assistance:

The administrator will make payments to the applicant for purchases and testing of Eligible Feed made between June 1, 2021 and March 15, 2022, as follows:

·    On a per head basis, a producer share will be applied $50 per head for beef and dairy cattle, bison and horses (PMU only) and $10 per head for sheep and goats.

·    Payments will be equal to 75 per cent of the purchased cost of feed and feed testing that exceeds the producer share to a maximum per head payment. The maximum payment is $250 per head for beef and dairy cattle, bison and horses (PMU only) and $50 per head for sheep and goats.

Purchases must be supported by invoices and proof of payment indicating the type of feed purchased, the number of tonnes purchased, the purchase price, the name and contact information of the seller, the date purchased, and type of feed tested and test completed, if applicable.

The minimum value of receipts required to submit an application is $500.

Feed Transportation

Feed transportation assistance is provided for the movement of eligible hay, straw, greenfeed, stover and silage to eligible breeding animals to address feed shortages due to drought conditions.

Payments for feed transportation:

Transportation costs for eligible feed purchased and transported between June 1, 2021 and March 15, 2022, for a minimum distance of 40 kilometres up to a maximum one-way distance of 600 kilometres.

Payments will based on following rates:

  • $0.16 per tonne kilometre for the first 100 kilometres of a haul
  • $0.10 per tonne kilometre for the remainder of a haul for up to an additional 500 kilometres

Payments for each receipt provided by the applicant will be the payment rate multiplied by the distance transported multiplied by the number of tonnes transported, or the amount of the receipt, whichever is less.

The minimum value of receipts required to submit an application is $500.

Transportation assistance is additional to assistance that may be received for feed assistance.

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